You get it all in one convenient package! Shampoo bath, hair cut, blow dry, style, nail trim, ears cleaned, and anal glands expressed. These are base prices and additional fees may be charged for condition and length of coat.
Under 25lbs. $60
26 - 35lbs $65
36 - 45lbs $70
46 - 55lbs $75
56 - 65lbs $80
66 - 75lbs $90
76 - 85lbs $100
86 - 95lbs $110
96 - 105lbs $120
106 & Over $130
Cats $60
Any size (No anal gland expressing)
Includes shampoo bath, blow dry, brush out, nail trim, ears cleaned. These are base prices and additional fees may be charged for condition and length of coat.
Under 25lbs $25
26 - 35lbs $30
36 - 45lbs $35
46 - 55lbs $40
56 - 65lbs $45
66 - 75lbs $55
76 - 85lbs $65
86 - 95lbs $75
96 - 105lbs $85
106 And Over $95
Any size
Basic bath, like you would do at home. Ala Carte Add ons are available upon request. (Dogs Only)
Under 25lbs $10
26 - 50lbs $25
51 - 75lbs $35
76 - 100lbs $45
Over 100lbs $60
***Any babies left after closing hours will be charged at the overnight boarding rate.
Kitty Gordon has been in the pet profession for 30+ years! Starting as a Grooming tech in Fullerton California, where she was certified all breed. She has professionally groomed in Uxbridge Massachusetts, Ocala Florida, and now at Kadillac Kennels, enjoying the mountain air with the rest of us!